Голубева Н.А. (N.A. Golubeva) “Сокровища озера Ваал (THE TREASURES OF LAKE VAAL)
The old lands of Polotsk are full of myths and legends...They have a great number of secrets. The heroes of this book — the wise and beautiful Ruth with her friends Yas and Yuras — try to find the answers to these secrets. Among their helpers are the Guardian of the Earth, Chief Astronomer, Chief Scientist, White Monk, Tsmok, Eagle, Soothsayer and other heroes of the book. The evil Asherah with her accomplices put the obstacles in their way. The friends have to struggle against the evil sisters, Black Monk, Chernobog, Karachun and Zyuzya and resist them. The readers will learn about the wonderful lands, where flow the Eridanus and Polotа Rivers. Together with the heroes of this book, they will be engaged in a wonderful, but dangerous journey to the ancient treasures.
6,17 руб./Экз
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The old lands of Polotsk are full of myths and legends...They have a great number of secrets. The heroes of this book — the wise and beautiful Ruth with her friends Yas and Yuras — try to find the answers to these secrets. Among their helpers are the Guardian of the Earth, Chief Astronomer, Chief Scientist, White Monk, Tsmok, Eagle, Soothsayer and other heroes of the book. The evil Asherah with her accomplices put the obstacles in their way. The friends have to struggle against the evil sisters, Black Monk, Chernobog, Karachun and Zyuzya and resist them. The readers will learn about the wonderful lands, where flow the Eridanus and Polotа Rivers. Together with the heroes of this book, they will be engaged in a wonderful, but dangerous journey to the ancient treasures.
Год издания
2012 |
Количество страниц
128 |
Мягкий |
84×100 1/16 (19,4см x 23,7см) |
978-985-11-0665-9 |
0+ |
Английский |
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